New York Strip vs Ribeye (Differences Between New York Strip and Ribeye)

Are you trying to decide between a New York Strip and a Ribeye steak? Both are classic cuts that bring great flavor, texture, and juiciness to the table. From evaluating marbling to understanding the differences between them, this blog post will explore the debate of which cut is better: The New York Strip or the Ribeye? It will also provide some handy tips for how to choose wisely when you make your purchase at your local butcher or grocery store. So if you’re looking for an in depth guide on whether a classic piece of steak should be New York strip or ribeye, read on!

What Is New York Strip?

New York Strip

The New York strip is a classic cut of beef taken from the short loin. It has a rich flavor and tender texture, making it one of the most popular cuts for steak lovers. It’s also known as an Omaha steak or a Kansas City Strip, depending on where you live. This cut of beef contains both leaner and fattier portions due to its marbling, which makes it flavorful yet still juicy when cooked correctly. Given its popularity, New York strips are often found in restaurants or pre-sliced in stores.

New York Strip Nutrition Fact:

– Calories: 284

– Fat: 18.8g

– Saturated Fat: 7.9g

– Cholesterol: 78mg

– Sodium: 76mg

– Carbohydrates: 0g

– Protein: 29.4g

– Iron: 2.2mg

– Vitamin B12: 0.6μg

– Calcium: 14mg

New York Strip is a great source of protein with 29 grams per serving, which is almost two times the amount found in other cuts such as ribeye and sirloin steaks. It also contains high levels of iron, vitamin B12, and calcium, making it an excellent option for those looking to meet their daily dietary requirements. Additionally, it is low in cholesterol and sodium levels, making it a healthier choice for those watching their salt intake. If you’re looking to add some flavor to your meal without adding too many extra calories, look no further than the New York Strip steak!

What Is Ribeye?

Rib eye steak:

Ribeye steaks come from the rib section of the cow and contain more fat than other cuts like the New York Strip, but that extra fat is what gives it its flavor. Like the New York Strip, it has a classic steak texture and flavor that makes it ideal for grilling or pan-frying. Ribeye steaks are best cooked medium-rare in order to maintain their juiciness, but can also be cooked to any doneness desired.

Ribeye Nutrition Fact:

– Calories: 263

– Fat: 18.4g

– Saturated Fat: 7.5g

– Cholesterol: 70mg

– Sodium: 65mg

– Carbohydrates: 0g

– Protein: 25.3g

– Iron: 2.2mg

– Vitamin B12: 0.6μg

– Calcium: 10mg

Ribeye steaks are a great source of protein, providing 25 grams per serving and almost two times the amount found in New York Strip steaks. It also contains higher levels of iron, vitamin B12 and calcium than other cuts, making it another excellent choice for people looking to meet their daily dietary requirements. Because it is low in cholesterol and sodium levels, ribeye makes a healthy option for those limiting their intake of these nutrients. Additionally, the fat content is slightly lower than that found in New York Strip steaks which can help cut down on some of the extra calories. Ribeye is an ideal choice for those looking to add flavor without sacrificing nutrition.

What Is The Difference Between New York Strip and Ribeye?

Both New York Strip and ribeye steaks are excellent choices for those looking for a healthy, flavorful meal. While the two cuts have many similarities, they also have some key differences that can help you choose which one is right for your dietary needs.

5 Differences Between New York Strip and Ribeye

1. Protein content – New York Strip steaks contain more protein than ribeye steaks, with 29 grams per serving compared to 25 grams in ribeye.

2. Cholesterol and sodium levels – New York Strip Steaks have slightly lower levels of cholesterol and sodium than ribeye steaks, making it a better choice for those watching their intake of these nutrients.

3. Fat content – Ribeye has less fat than the New York Strip steak, providing an extra 18 calories per serving for those looking to reduce caloric intake but still enjoy a flavorful meal.

4. Iron, vitamin B12 and calcium – Both cuts contain similar amounts of iron and vitamin B12, however New York strip steak contains more calcium than does the Ribeye.

5. Price – New York Strip steaks tend to be more expensive than ribeye, due in part to their higher demand and the larger portion size of each steak.

Similarities of New York Strip vs Ribeye

Despite their differences, the two cuts of steak have some similarities. Both offer an excellent source of protein and minerals, making them both a healthy choice for those looking to meet their daily dietary requirements. Additionally, both steaks are low in cholesterol and sodium levels, so they can be enjoyed by those watching their intake of these nutrients. Both cuts are flavorful and versatile enough to be used in a variety of dishes that call for steak.

How To Choose Wisely When Buying Steak?

When purchasing steak, make sure you check the marbling – this is what makes steak juicy and flavorful. You should also pay attention to the fat content of each cut – ribeye steaks tend to have more fat than New York strips. Additionally, look for cuts with an even grain throughout; if the grain is uneven or looks like it has been stretched out too much, then it won’t cook evenly on the grill or in a pan. Finally, always smell your steak before buying fresh beef should smell lightly of fresh-cut grass.

Which Cut Is Better: The New York Strip Or The Ribeye?

The debate between New York strip steaks and ribeye steaks will likely never end, as both offer different benefits to steak lovers. Ultimately, the choice comes down to personal preference and taste if you love the richer flavor of the ribeye, then go for it; if you prefer leaner meat with fewer calories, then opt for the New York Strip. No matter which cut you choose, it’s important to remember that both provide a hearty and delicious meal when cooked correctly!

Which is Healthier: New York Strip vs Ribeye?

When it comes to determining which steak is the healthier option, it really depends on your dietary needs. If you’re looking for a higher protein content and more calcium, then New York Strip is the better choice. However, if lower fat and cholesterol are primary concerns, then ribeye may be the better option. Ultimately, both cuts of steak offer a flavorful meal that can help you meet your dietary goals with ease.

Cooking Tips & Suggestions: New York Strip vs Ribeye

New York Strip steaks are best served cooked to medium-rare. This ensures that the steak is juicy and tender while still retaining its flavor. As for ribeye, it’s best cooked to medium temperature so that all of the flavors can be enjoyed without compromising texture or taste. It’s important to remember that both steaks should be allowed to rest after cooking in order to allow the juices to redistribute, which helps ensure a juicier final product.

When grilling either cut of steak, make sure you preheat your grill and oil it with a high smoke point oil such as avocado oil or canola oil before adding your steaks. This will help prevent sticking and keep your steak from drying out during cooking. Finally, season your steak generously with salt and pepper just before placing it on the grill to bring out its natural flavor. With these tips in mind, you can enjoy a delicious steak dinner that is sure to please even the pickiest of eaters.

Credit: Ryan Maya Cooks

New York Strip vs Ribeye Recipes:

If you’re looking for some delicious recipes to try with either cut of steak, look no further! Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

• Steak and Veggie Fajitas – This recipe calls for thinly sliced New York Strip steak marinated in lime juice, olive oil and spices, as well as sautéed peppers and onions. Serve it up with warm flour tortillas and fresh salsa for a tasty meal that will have everyone coming back for more.

• Grilled Ribeye Steaks with Garlic Butter – This flavorful dish is sure to be a hit at any gathering. The ribeye steaks are cooked over an open flame before being topped with garlic butter and served alongside roasted potatoes.

• Pan Seared New York Strip Steaks with Mushrooms – This classic steak dish is sure to be a crowd pleaser. The steaks are seared in a hot skillet before being topped with sautéed mushrooms for an extra flavorful meal. Serve it alongside your favorite side dishes for an easy and delicious dinner.


What is the difference between New York Strip and Ribeye?

The main difference between New York Strip and ribeye steaks is that the former has a leaner texture, higher protein content, and more calcium than the latter. Additionally, New York Strip steaks tend to be more expensive due in part to their larger portion size.

How should I cook New York Strip or Ribeye steaks?

New York Strip steaks are best served cooked to medium-rare, while ribeye is generally cooked to medium temperature. Make sure you preheat your grill and oil it with a high smoke point oil such as avocado oil or canola oil before adding your steaks. Finally, season generously with salt and pepper just before placing on the grill for an extra flavorful meal. Enjoy!

What are some good recipes to use with either cut of steak?

There are many delicious recipes that feature either New York Strip steaks or ribeye. Some examples include Steak and Veggie Fajitas, Grilled Ribeye Steaks with Garlic Butter, and Pan Seared New York Strip Steaks with Mushrooms. With these recipes in mind, you can enjoy a flavorful steak dinner that is sure to please even the pickiest of eaters!

Which is more expensive ribeye or New York Strip?

New York Strip steaks tend to be more expensive due in part to their larger portion size. Ribeye steaks have a higher fat content, which makes them more flavorful but also more costly than the leaner New York Strip. Both cuts are delicious and can make for an enjoyable steak dinner, but it is important to keep in mind the price difference when making your selection.

What is a poor man’s ribeye?

A poor man’s ribeye is an alternative cut of steak that has a similar flavor and texture to ribeye but is less expensive. Popular cuts that are often referred to as “poor man’s ribeye” include flank steak, hanger steak, skirt steak, and flatiron steaks. These cuts can be marinated and cooked in the same ways as traditional ribeye steaks for a delicious meal at a fraction of the cost.

Is New York Strip a good cut of steak?

Yes, New York Strip steaks are an excellent cut of steak! They have a leaner texture and higher protein content than ribeye steaks, making them a healthier option. Additionally, they have a robust flavor and juicy interior that make them ideal for grilling or pan searing. With these tips in mind, you can enjoy a delicious steak dinner that is sure to please even the pickiest of eaters.


When deciding between New York Strip and ribeye steaks, it’s important to consider your dietary needs as well as your budget. Both cuts offer an excellent source of protein and minerals, so whichever one you choose should provide a flavorful meal that helps you meet your nutritional goals. When grilling either cut of steak, be sure to preheat your grill and oil it with a high smoke point oil such as avocado or canola oil before adding the steaks. Finally, season your steak generously with salt and pepper to bring out its natural flavor. With these tips in mind, you can enjoy a delicious steak dinner that is sure to please even the pickiest of eaters.


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